
Welcome to, the site that give in-depth knowledge of numerology to all for free !

Yes! Free…as in Freedom

This website is based on the teachings of Cheiro – the the most influential and popular seer of the 20th  century.

What is Numerology ?

In a single sentence : Numerology is the  study of numbers, study of the date and year of one’s birth to determine their influence on one’s future life.

It is the study of the magical meanings of numbers and of their supposed influence on human life. It is a purported calculative means of obtaining information about one’s personality, capabilities, and future. The basis of numerology is that numbers have an “inner nature” and “vibration.” Numerological considerations include an individual’s full name, birthplace, and birth date.

And this wonderful tool for  numbers is available free of cost to all of you. Use the power of numerology to make important changes in your life, to take important decisions and to make your life a little more comfortable.


This website has been divided into two main sections


1) All about Number

Numerology simplified ! Based on the classic book ‘Cheiro’s Book of Numbers’ this section explain in details about the influence of numbers in our life and how we can use numbers for our benefits.

   All About Numbers


2) Name Numerology

Learn how a change in your name can bring you good fortune. Politicians, movie stars, celebrities and millions of people the world over have changed their names as per name numerology. Every alphabet of English language has been assigned a mystical number. Learn the influence of these  numbers on your name and life and make your name more profitable for you. . This section also has an interesting blog – ‘Who has changed his name’ which is chronicle of famous people who have changed their names on the basis of numerology.

hand  Name Numerology

Who has changed his name (The Blog)  hand

Please also read :

hand  About

hand  Can we predict future ?

hand  A biography of Cheiro

hand  Numerology Shop

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