How to find a lucky name, business, city or day

Calculating a lucky Name or how to make a name luckier

The Rule

Calculate the compound number of name. Read the interpretation of compound number. If it represent a lucky number then accept that name. If it represent an unlucky number then try to add/delete some letters to/from that name and make it a correspond to a lucky compound numbers.

The method and it’s explanation

I have received emails from many readers who have sought clarification on the exact method of calculating the compound numbers. The confusion has emerged owing to the two different way adopted by me in the examples of compound numbers. For example in the John Smith’s case, I have calculated his name as follows


JOHN = 18, 1+8 = 9
SMITH = 17, 1+7 =8

JOHN SMITH = 9 + 8 = 17,
So his  compound number will be 17. However, since individual compound number of John is 18 and that of Smith is 17, by adding these two numbers (17 + 18 ) we get another compound 35.

As such John Smith’s name has two compound number namely 17 and 35. Now which one should be considered as the right compound number of this name ?

Numerologists use both these numbers to calculate the hidden influences of these numbers on a person’s life.  Therefore, while calculating the luckiness of a name, you’ll have to take both the compound numbers into consideration.

To save you from the task of manually calculating the compound number of names, I would like to strongly recommend our free Name Numerology Calculator which will make the calculation of your name’s compound number extremely easy.

See this Screen Shot of this calculator :

Just enter your name, click on calculate and you have your name’s compound number calculated in no time.  Download this calculator here :

Free Name Numerology Calculator

Using this calculator will make your calculations very fast.

The single number of John totals a 9, and the single number of Smith equals an 8; the 8 and 9 added together make 17, and 1 plus 7 makes 8. The number of the entire Name is therefore an 8. If John Smith were born on any day making an 8, such as the 8th, 17th, or 26th of a month, the number of the Name and the number of the Birth would then be in harmony, and although the 8 is not such a lucky number to have in an ordinary way, yet in such a case there would be no clash in the numbers; and if John Smith, knowing this, used the dates making an 8, such as the 8th, 17th, or 26th, for his important transactions, he would find himself more fortunate.

If, on the contrary, he had another number, say 2, as his Birth number, such as the 2nd, nth, 20th, or 29th, his Name and his Birth number would not be in vibration one to the other, and there would always be a muddle or jumble in his affairs, and he would also not be able to decide which number to act on or what date he should use.

As he cannot alter his Birth number, then the thing to do is to alter the Name number. If he added a letter making a 3 to his name, such as a C, a G, an L, or an S, which in the Alphabet I gave in a previous chapter have the number 3, and wrote his name, say, “John C. Smith,” or “John G. Smith,” and insisted on being known and called as that, this new Number 3, added to the 17, which John Smith made before, would now give a total of 20, or a single number of 2, and then both the Name number and the Birth number would be in harmonious vibration together, and he would also be sure that he would be right in selecting any date that makes a 2, such as the 2nd, nth, 20th, or 29th of any month, as the most favourable day to make any change or carry out any important plan.

If, however, “John Smith” was born under an 8, such as the 8th, 17th, or 26th of any month, as the total of the numbers of his name also make an 8, I would then not advise him to add a letter or change the Name number, but to work under the 8, as I explained earlier.

Surely this is a simple, clear rule, and will help those countless readers who may be puzzled as to how to get their Name number and Birth number to accord.

However, if a person is born under either of those peculiar numbers such as a 4 or an 8, and if the Name number should also total up to a 4 when one is born under an 8, or to an 8 when one is born under a 4, then for material success it would be better if one added some letter, as I explained in the case of John Smith, so that the total of your number is no longer a 4 or an 8, but one with a more fortunate vibration, making, say, a I, 3, a 6, or a 9. Such a change in the majority of cases will produce most fortunate results and set up entirely new vibrations, which will change a lonely, unlucky life into one of happiness and success.

I would also strongly advise all those who have the combination of 4 and 8 when they make the change by altering their name to produce another number, such as a 1, 3, 6, or 9, to wear the colours and jewels that have been set out for these numbers in an earlier chapter dealing with” single” numbers, and I am absolutely confident that they will never regret having followed my advice.

Let us see one more example by considering an Indian Name.

How to find lucky name: An Indian example  

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