Google is an unlucky name. Really ?

Google: The world’s most popular search engine has a very unlucky name (as per Name Numerology)

The compound number of the name ‘Google’ is 28. Let us read the influence of the number ’28’

28. A number of contradictions. It symbolized a person of great promise and possibilities who is likely to see all taken away from him unless he carefully arrange for the future. It also indicates loss through trust in others, opposition and competition in trade, danger of loss through law, and the likelihood of having to begin life’s road over and over again. It is not a fortunate number.

Well, up to now nothing of that sort has happened to Google.

Read moreGoogle is an unlucky name. Really ?

Lara Dutta has an unlucky name. So what ?


Lara Dutta the famous Indian Actress as a very unlucky name if one go by Name Numerology. Her name’s compound number comes out ’26’.

For number 26 it has been written :

26. This is one of the unluckiest numbers. It indicates gravest warnings for the future and foreshadows disasters brought about by association with others; ruin by bad speculations, by partnerships, unions, and bad advice. If it comes out in connection with future events one should carefully consider the path one is treading.

Read moreLara Dutta has an unlucky name. So what ?


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